As a parent, restricting choices for children is not too difficult of a task, "Would you rather have corn, carrots or broccoli?" But for ourselves, in the age of global access, our choices truly are endless tunnels only restricted by our imagination.
I'm lucky that we practice "low-gluten" in my household, because a few weeks back we had guests that wanted a specific bread, and it had been SO long since I'd been in a supermarket bread section that I was completely overwhelmed. Aisle upon aisle upon aisle of bread. Finally, after walking around multiple times, I spotted the brand they wanted, with 9 different options available. Then I did what I knew was right - I called my wife and she solved my problem.
What a responsibility!
Barry Swartz has defined this well in his thesis on The Paradox of Choice - the reality that having too many options increases the difficulty of choosing AND the satisfaction of our choices.
So how do we decide what to do? How to proceed in a world with endless options and opportunities? Personal Values & Long-Term Goals.
If you continually revisit who you are and what you want, and are on the road of continual improvement and achievement (even if it's just a baby step of progress), then what's important becomes more transparent.
And, prioritizing the important is what a life well lived is all about.
So, choose your priorities to gain freedom of choicelessness.